Monday, November 3, 2008

Books (Spoiler Alert)

I recently finished the Friday Night Knitting Club. Although this is really chicklit I did find that the book made some very deep statements about relationships. And for some reason I expected it to end with a much happier outcome. Luckily, no one was at home when I read the last few pages because I cried like a baby. If you want a light read, like knitting and reading about female bonding and have a good supply of tissues, then I can suggest this book to you.

I also recently picked up Custom Knits by Wendy Bernard. I didn't look at it too thoroughly in the store so I was even more surprised and delighted when I got to take a close look. The patterns are great and I would make almost everything in it but a couple. The pictures in it are lovely. I give this pattern book an A+.

Not a knitting related book but I'll mention it anyways is Helpless by Barbara Gowdy. Just started this yesterday and it sucked me in right away. It's set in Toronto so many of the streets are familiar and I always enjoy that in a book. I'll keep you posted on this one.

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