Carmi's photographic challenge this week is around distance. So I present to you my entry for distance. Back in May, Jeff, Mike and I attended at concert at the community LVEC (I think that's the terminology). So a little background, the year before when this LVEC opened we attempted to buy tickets to the first concert but they were sold out immediately. The attraction was local band, the Tragically Hip. The day of this concert my husband heard on the radio that they just released another set of tickets so I get on the computer and attempt to gain some tickets on our ridiculously slow dialup. Luckily, it only took 2 attempts and we had tickets. We rush into Kingston that night. Our seats were right beside the stage and we could see the guitar tech working all night. We had such a great view of the stage it was unbelievable. That night I fell in love with Gord Downey because of his playful on-stage antics. This year we wanted to take the kids to see the Hip but unfortunately Hayley couldn't make it but Mike did. This time even though we ordered the tickets the day before they went on sale through the fan club we were right at the back of the arena. It seemed a bit of a let down after the first concert but it was still a good concert. The ironic part is standing outside the K-rock center we over head someone telling someone they were there to see if there were still tickets. The responce was "yes they just releases a section right beside the stage."
Here is my distance shot!

It's really amazing isn't it how your perception of a show changes based on where you are. Sitting up close gives you a real intimacy with the performers that just can't be duplicated.
I'm glad to hear that they put on a good show. I'd love to see them some time.. preferably in Kingston where I could also see my son. ;) They play their home town quite often, don't they?
Actually they hadn't performed a lot in Kingston because we had no suitable venue. Now that we have the K-Rock Centre they see to perform annually. And it's always for charity which is really nice. I think they put on an extra good show in Kingston because it is home. Last year, the other hometown boy Dan Ackroyd got on stage for this for a couple shows which was nice.
Fun. But I don't see any photos on your page.
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